Do you remember a time as a child when you were sick with a cold, and your mother or “mother figure” comforted you with a hug? Or put a band aid on your scraped knee, followed by a kiss? These actions did not magically “heal” you, but they did make you feel a bit better, didn’t they? Did you ever ask yourself why?
Here at Golden Proportion Acupuncture, I have an answer for this! Every ailment has both a physical/chemical and an energetic component. The act of giving you that hug or kiss worked on the energetic component. If you have sought medical care for chronic issues such as emotional distress, pain, or infertility from traditional or holistic avenues, and reached a plateau you simply cannot get past, it is possible that your medical providers may be addressing the physical components of your ailments – which they are trained to do – but not the energetic components.
I refer to my method as Acupuncture Plus, Beyond the Needle because my unique approach combines acupuncture and other complementary modalities to create a unique energy signature system. Even if presenting with seemingly similar symptoms, every patient is unique and requires a custom care plan to promote balance within the body.
I Blend Evidence-Based Medicine, Cutting-Edge Science, and Ancient Wisdom for an Effective Care Plan Unlike Any Other.
Common first impressions from sessions with me include:
- I feel lighter
- I feel like a weight has been lifted
- I feel more relaxed
- I feel so much happier!
- I’m sleeping so much better
My healing method transcends the boundaries of what the human mind thinks is possible, making the impossible, suddenly possible.
-Doctor Michele

By zeroing in on the root cause of your concern and treating both the physical/chemcial and energic aspects of your ailment, I am able to optimize and minimize treatment durations.
Where other medical care falls short, I use a unique treatment combination to get you past your plateau. One of my top goals is to release your dependency on frequent, long-term treatments –
If you have been suffering from chronic conditions, such as emotional distress, pain, or infertility, and have been receiving treatments that are only addressing the physical/chemical side, it may be time to look “beyond the needle” at Golden Proportion Acupuncture & Wellness.
Frequently asked questions
This is a common question!
Although some patients report feeling better after just one treatment, for the most part, your body takes time to heal. I treat the body as a whole and address the root cause of your issue – not just the symptoms. I ask that you be mindful that healing is often non-linear and sometimes confusing. For instance, as your body heals, you may experience a temporary spike in a symptom that may appear to be a setback, but in fact is a beneficial sign of your healing progression. Think of it as cleaning out a closet, if you have not cleaned out your closet in over 10 years pulling everything out into your room is going to create quite a mess before it gets sorted and reorganized.
However, using my highly tuned intuitive skills, after our first session together if you allow me to, I can tap into your energy field to obtain more precise information regarding how many sessions you might need before starting to feel better. Please note that I can not predict with 100% certainty how many sessions you will need since there are many internal and external variables associated with your healing process such as lifestyle factors including diet, water intake, activity levels, and stress levels. However, I provide the most accurate information possible based on clinical experience and your specific condition and energy field.
For patients who would like to benefit from acupuncture therapy but have an aversion to needles, Golden Proportion Acupuncture offers needle-free Acupuncture alternatives. I utilize the principles of Chinese Medicine, but when it comes down to stimulating the acupuncture points themselves instead of needles, I use a variety of tools including laser lights, a Piezo crystal device, a specially designed crystal tool, or “hands-on” energy. Even if a client prefers acupuncture needles sometimes, I incorporate needle-free options, especially for more sensitive areas of the body. I am grateful to be able to provide individuals in our community with options for experiencing some of the benefits of acupuncture without the needles! See our services for more information.
Thanks for asking! My office is located at 718 Ridge Road in Lyndhurst NJ. My husband and I own and share this two-story commercial building. My space is on the first floor and is easily accessed through the front door. Upon walking through the front door, my office is the second door on the right located at the entrance to the hallway in front of you.
All of my energy healing work can be done in person in my Lyndhurst NJ office or remotely, worldwide. I work with individuals remotely all over the world including the United States, Canada, and the UK.
Clinically speaking acupuncture has helped many women conceive both with and without the need for medical intervention including IVF, IUI, OI, and other ART (assisted reproductive technology) techniques.
At Golden Proportion Acupuncture I take the concept of holistic fertility support to a whole new level. Having the divine honor of being anointed an Indigo Shamanic Medicine Woman, In addition to utilizing the principles of Chinese Medicine, I also have a vast library of energy healing tools that are divinely formulated. One of my many Indigo Shamanic healing models is that of the Immaculate Conception. This bestows upon me the divine honor of clearing and nourishing the womb space allowing the facilitation of the next generation of beautiful babies being conceived and born into this world.
My indigo Shamanic gift of healing allows me to go deeper into the womb space and clear out energy that one may have attracted that is not their own which could be blocking conception. We all carry energetic “generational baggage” and when that energy settles in the womb space our wombs are no longer hospitable to the next generation. Our babies need to feel safe in our wombs and it is my birthright, my divine job to help clear and nourish the womb space.